Thursday, November 18, 2010

Chickens are a Good way to Rid Yourself of Household Food Waste

Chicken Coop
      Having a backyard CHICKEN COOP filled with healthy HENS provides you with so many benefits.  Here is just one benefit.  CHICKENS help you to recycle!  A grown HEN can eat up to nine pounds of household food waste per month.  What a great way to help our environment, and rid yourself of waste.  So, it's a good idea to keep a little bucket next to your kitchen sink and fill it with your leftover fruits, vegetables and grains.  Your CHICKENS will love it!  And, what a nice feeling to know you will be helping the environment and feeding your HENS at the same time.  Remember however, that table scraps should not be your only source of CHICKEN feed.  Also, be careful not to feed your layers to much protein, which could hinder them from becoming good egg producers.  Too much protein could damage your HENS internal organs and shorten her lifespan.
      As a side note, always remember to keep the drinking water in the CHICKEN COOP clean.  This is one of the best things you can do for raising healthy HENS.  For your baby Pullets, be sure to make your primary feed CHICKEN Layer Starter and then move onto your CHICKEN Layer Feed when they become productive layers.  You may also like to supplement your feed with Scratch for your HENS during the winter months when egg production is down.  Your CHICKENS will be so happy in their HEN HOUSE helping the environment by recycling  And you will be happy in your HOUSE when they produce healthy eggs for your enjoyment!

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